Getting to Cheddar Gorge by motorhome was easy, parking not so. We could see on the website that there is a 300 space car park at Gough’s Cave as well as two 50 space ones, so decided to head for the larger, presuming there would be more room. We accidentally drove virtually all the way through the gorge, through a narrow rocky opening (yikes!) and past all the parking spaces because we were looking for a large car park – there isn’t one! All the spaces and parking areas are quite small and there is no indication where to park a motorhome. We stopped opposite the coach park area only to be told by a litter attendant that we couldn’t park there because we would be in the way but she didn’t know where we COULD park. A walk to the ticket office and £5.00 later we had ourselves a nice spot at the very end of the coach park, tucked away in the shade out of anyone’s way – perfect.
It’s a long time since either of us have been to the gorge and we were a lot younger and a undoubtedly a lot fitter then. However we decided to opt for the ‘arduous’ walk option, a 3.5 miles, 2.5 hour walk up and down some very steep hillsides. We both blame the searing heat on having to stop gasping for breath more than once or twice! We did feel sorry for an exhausted little girl, huffing and puffing along being told by her mother ‘You’re on holiday you need to enjoy yourself and stop moaning’! It was definitely worth the effort though and we were rewarded with fabulous views and a gusty breeze to cool us back down. Coming across the shade of a tree at the top and a view down the valley we declared it the perfect spot to crack open a now slightly less than cool can of Sprite and tuck into a chunky Cheddar cheese sandwich – it’d be rude not to!
The walk which started at Cufic Lane, off Cliff Road is a circular walk up one side of the gorge and down the other, exiting at Jacob’s ladder, and it’s free. If you go round in the opposite direction and start at Jacob’s ladder you will have to get a ticket for £16.95 (if bought online, otherwise £19.95) for adults which includes entry to Gough’s Cave (with a guided tour or audio guide), Dreamhunters in Cox’s Cave, The Museum of Prehistory, Jacob’s Ladder, the Lookout Tower, and Cliff-top Walk, so it just depends on how you much to spend and what you want to see.

Julian aka self-confessed cheese addict, outside the cheddar cheese shop!
There’s only one thing to do after all this strenuous exercise – visit the cheese shop of course, before heading off to our campsite for the night at Wookey Farm.

Wookey Farm campsite and a chance to test the awning – someone looks exhausted!!
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